Monday, December 15, 2008

Pakistan and its Rogues

12:00 PM by admin · 0 comments

I really fail to understand the locus standi of a charity organisation  ( as they fondly call themselves or would like the the whole world to believe them to be )  the Jamaat-ud-Dawa asking for Narendra Modi to be handed over because of what has happened in Gujarat.
He supports the freedom movement in Kashmir. We think it is right. It is ridiculous to call him a terrorist. When India is even pricked by a thorn, the whole world stands up. Why did Condoleezza Rice not put pressure on India for handing over Narendra Modi after the Gujarat carnage?
The He here was LeT leader Hafeez Sayeed. To say that all they do is educate children and provide healthcare to the needy people of Pakistan and also agree with the LeT leader's views and ideology is a paradox of gigantic proportions which convinces any sensibe individual that the JUD is still a Lashkar organisation.

The JUD spokesperson goes on to say that the LeT may have bought weapons from the money provided to them by the JUD and that they are not supporting the LeT anymore but still agrees with all of LeT's views. 

Also it does make me feel for rogue state of mind of such terrorist sympathisers who fondly call terrorists in Kashmir freedom fighters and ask for Narendra Modi's head for what has happened in Gujarat in 2002. While Modi's alleged role in fanning communal passions is still questionable, something we can all agree upon is that he and his administration has slept on the entire carnage across Gujarat. But handover him to who ? and Why ? 

Last week I read some other reports from Pakistan asking for Advani to be handed over. The question is why would we handover anyone to Pakistan. They haven't plotted anything against Pakistan or its citizens. Or is Pakistan thinking that they represent the muslims from all over the world. If there is anyone to be handed over to Pakistan or its people its their Politicians who have let their country down and turning Pakistan into a big joke in the world. Or perhaps its military dictators from time to time who supressed and opressed freedom of its own citizens. How could people who cannot rule themselves, protect themseves, speak for their own like seek to speak on behalf of someone else.

Alright. Even if we agree on a tit for tat handover, chances are that many parts of Pakistan would end up being emptied after every other terror affected country in the world gets the people on its list of most wanted terrorists.

Pakistan is nothing but a rogue state. If we look at the world there is only two countries in the world that get such coverage the world over. Not because they are important to the world but because of the state they are in and the state that they would frequently put themselves in. They are Pakistan and Zimbabwe. For being a laughing stock of the world. For being a failed state. For failing its own citizens. For failing the very cause of its own existence. 

I mean going rogue is ok. But to try to change the whole country rogue is what the terrorists do. But to let it go rogue any more then it is already is not good for any of us. Because we cannot let the rogueness spread over to the world.


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