I read this report on how and why the Indian agencies have been holding back from divulging details of incriminating evidence pointing to the ISI's involvement in the Mumbai attacks.
If it is true then I don't think it is the right thing to do.
Should I choose between having a good relationship with an incompetent Pakistani govt. that would refuse/fail to call a spade a spade, fail miserably in addressing those perpetrators of terrorism and pushing the Pakistani govt to the wall by revealing all incriminating evidences and calling its attention to act tough on such forces by bring all kinds of pressures against it, I would without a doubt choose the latter.
Since the reasoning that escalating tensions with India would make Pakistan redeploy troops from their western borders to the east which would inturn hurt its prospects of fighting terrorism on that front is not convincing enough as this would not help address the root
causes of terrorism that operatives on its eastern border. Lesser the pressure on the Pakistan government less likely would it be willing to react to calls for a crack down on terror operatives launching out from its own soil.
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