Sunday, December 28, 2008
The best joke from Pakistan
1:53 AM by admin · 0 comments
People do go out of mind, I know, but like this !!! I almost died laughing after reading this. Its a must read to every Indian and of course Pakistani as well.
Looks like the Jihadis in Pakistan stormed a mental hospital and liberated all the patients from there to let them lead and represent their people.
Bloody faceless jackass.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Get over it !! How can I ?
2:30 AM by admin · 0 comments
To say Mumbai is back is to try and sleep over it, which we had been doing all through the years that we have been affected with terrorism. And we could see the result. I am not ready to accept Mumbai is fully back on its heels. Nor am I willing to agree, as an Indian, that life goes like it did before 26/11. Because its not.
What I had witnessed, through the medium of television, was my own helplessness. A sense that has prevailed upon me, even as I was at a distant shore. It still does haunt me as I think about it. And not a day has passed without thinking about it. Nor do I see it happening in the near future.
And it does not help when I read reports like this. An organisation that makes thousands of crores of Rupees in profits every year (Its a money bearing tree, in the words of the Railway minister, to take a quote from one of his Lok Sabha speeches) deciding to spend a paltry Rs. 60 crore to modernise security systems on its premises. Is that all we are ready to spend to secure vital and high-density areas like railway stations. What are we learning from 26/11 ?
It makes me wonder what has happened to plans like this that date back to December, 2004. Has this proposal been implemented ? If not why ? If yes what was the feedback received from the officers on the ground level using them ? Was there a study ever conducted on the necessity of providing sophisticated weapons to officers guarding key installations like the CST and the like ?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Who is Antulay's target ?
9:08 PM by admin · 0 comments
Every extra minute the congress takes to crack down on him is providing some extra credence to Antulay's remarks.
Antulay started off saying Hemant Karkare's death should be probed. He later retracted and changed his version, now suggesting that Hemant Karkare may have actually fallen for the terrorists bullets, but is demanding a probe to ascertain who had ordered Karkare to be there when he was shot at.
If we look from a cynic's view, the controversy has erupted because Karkare, before the terror attacks on Mumbai, was investigating the alleged role of supposed Hindu terrorists in the Malegoan blasts case, and raising a question on his death was nothing but suggesting that there was a role played in it by people who did not like the man investigating the Malegaon blasts case.
The role of elements from our country being directly responsible for Karkare's death stands ruled out, as Antulay is now not questioning Karkare's death but seeking to know whose orders made sure Karkare was at the Kama Hospital.
The simple reasoning is that nobody other than some highly placed officials of the Maharasthra Police or Govt., or an elected representative who was at the helm of the affairs can order an official of Karkare's stature to go and be somewhere.
Now the dilemma. Is Antulay suspecting the govt of Maharashtra, which is being lead by the Congress-his own party, or any other highly placed bureaucrat. Should he really suspect the role of any goverment servant, Police or otherwise, the Congress, I guess, would be least hesitant to order a probe into the matter.
But what if Antulay is pointing the finger of suspicion at elected officials who undoubtedly belong either to the Congress or its ruling partner the NCP ? This would cause a lot of embarassment to the party. Would it not ? Because this version aims to point at a supposed nexus between some Congress party leaders and supposed religious extremists, which if true, would not only damage the reputation but also destroy the party as well. Well then, is this the reason the Congress is taking too much of a time to decide on the Antulay's fate ?
Or is this conspiracy theory all trash and the Congress' leadership is a bunch of spineless people, as they have proven to be more so often in the recent past, that is reluctant to cleanse itself of a rotten tomato within its ranks for fear of losing the minority vote as the man in question, who is gone rogue in my opinion, is from a minority community ?
I would like to believe the last reasoning is true as it is easier to digest and earlier versions are nightmarish.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Throw Antulay out of the Cabinet
4:37 PM by admin · 0 comments
Show us some spirit Mr. Prime Minister. Let us not dignify these sick maniacs by letting them do things their own way. Show him the door and his rightful place.
The Congress should also come clear if it upholds the views of Antulay when he says that his party should be proud of his comments. If else they should get rid of him from the party as well.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Another joke from Pakistan
3:17 AM by admin · 0 comments
If India does not agree to tour our country then the board must think about having cricket relations with them. If they don't want to play us we should think likewise...They must tour. It is good for relations between the two countries. But if they don't want to come then we should also not go after them to convince them.
Any one who reads this might misunderstand the entire issue and think that it is Indian cricket that needs Pakistan's and not the otherway around.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Zardari and Pakistan : Playing the clever victim
1:04 PM by admin · 0 comments
We have seen it with Benazir Bhutto booted out of her own country on allegations of corruption even as her husband was put behind bars. She played the victim with such grace and perfection that even the best PR guys of the world would have a lesson or two to learn from it.
Now comes General Musharraf who ruled Pakistan as a military dictator anointing himself as the President and posing to the world as someone who has brought good and hope back to the hell (Pakistan). He was so graceful when he visited the US to promote his book on the back of an international summit in the US and took time off to visit every other late night comedy show to give answers on the controversy that he himself helped create to sell his book.
Now comes Ms. Bhutto back from London where she lived in exile after striking a deal with the 'brutal military dictator' posing as someone who is sacrificing everything of her life whereas in reality she struck a deal with the General that she shall not be arrested upon her return and her husband shall be acquitted of all charges and released from prison where he stayed for almost a decade.
Then comes the master of all Asif Ali Zardari. He beats everyone to it when he plays the victim. I have not seen a single interview of his where he would not say "has anyone suffered more than my children and I have" pointing to the death of his wife in a suicide attack that killed scores of ordinary people as well. He throws this line at anyone and everyone who would ask him about the menace of terrorism that has deep roots in Pakistan owing to the decades old complicity of the ruling establishments from time to time.
In the immediate aftermath of the Mumbai attacks he started off saying his heart bleeds for Indians and the pain they are going through. Then he tries to blame who he calls "NON STATE ACTORS" who do not operate from the confines of any borders. After a couple of weeks into the brutal attack on Mumbai, today he says he is responsible for the Non state actors as well if they operate from his country. And as clever as anyother Pakistani leader he again says India should provide evidence. What more of an evidence does he need to follow up on the lead of the father who has recognised his son who was the only terrorist caught alive ?
This is Zardari for the world. The best public relations manager I have ever seen, I mean when he addresses world media. His popularity in his own country is debatable though. Without a doubt, as I put all of his statements together, I can say he does not mean anything he says and all he is doing is just a touch up so he would be perceived as someone who means what he says.
And that is Pakistan for the world. Be a silent spectator to what has been brewing up in its own backyard, let it spill over to other countries by providing assistance of all kinds including cover fire when they try to infiltrate into Kashmir from the other side. And now it is the same Pakistan that is playing the victim as the agents that they helped build and amass ammunition take on their own ilk.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Pakistan and its Rogues
12:00 PM by admin · 0 comments
He supports the freedom movement in Kashmir. We think it is right. It is ridiculous to call him a terrorist. When India is even pricked by a thorn, the whole world stands up. Why did Condoleezza Rice not put pressure on India for handing over Narendra Modi after the Gujarat carnage?
International Media on Mumbai attacks
11:31 AM by admin · 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
The joke called 'Javed Miandad' from Pakistan
2:57 PM by admin · 0 comments
Both India and Pakistan are victims of terrorismand cricket will bridge the gap between the two nations....This isthe right time for the Asian bloc to show some solidarity bycoming together and assuring the world that the subcontinent issafe for cricket.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The annoyance called Celebrities
11:45 PM by admin · 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Is the Police really Dumb ?
6:57 PM by admin · 0 comments
1. In this incident police in Hyderabad, on a tip-off from its informers that a SIMI activist wanted by the police has arrived in the city, had gone to nab him literally unarmed. Being the kind of professionals they were the suspected terrorists when approached by the police resorted to firing at the police and managed to escape through the busy streets of old city. Resulting in two policeman being injured, one of them seriously.
What I do not get is what was going through the policemen's minds when they set out to catch these guys. Did they think they were going for a pick-pocketer ? Lucky to getaway with injuries and no casualties.
2. This incident happened just today. School going teenagers were being used by the local police to keep an eye on any suspicious movements of people along the Prime Minister's cavalcade route from atop trees. How stupid ? How would a kid know the difference between an ordinary guy and a terrorist, just in case a terrorist would come in a t-shirt and cargo trouser like they did in the Mumbai attacks ?
After what had happened in the past week could we afford to commit any more mistakes. Could our authorities not respond to the needs of the hour? What have we learnt from the most daring attacks ever on our society ? I always thought we could do better.
Friday, December 5, 2008
India has proof of ISI invovlement in Mumbai attacks
1:24 PM by admin · 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Why should we not trust Pakistan ?
8:26 PM by admin · 0 comments
He turned down India's demand to handover its most wanted terrorists who are relaxing in their safe havens inside Pakistan. That does not surprise me either.
Instead he asks India to share with him the evidence it has so he can try them in a court of law in Pakistan and have them punished. This does surprise me. Why ? Two reasons.
Reason 1:
All these years Pakistan has denied that a man by the name Dawood Ibrahim resides in Pakistan despite repeated requests/demands by the Indian Government. But yesterday, quite contrastingly, he refuses to handover the terrorists instead of denying their existence in pakistan which is nothing less than admitting their existence in Pakistan.
Reason 2:
What has Pakistan done when the father of its missile program was accused of proliferation ? They did not deny it but put him under 'house arrest'. They deny IAEA access to the arrested former scientist. He has never been investigated despite the issue here being something as grave as Nuclear proliferation.
Now asking India to provide/share evidence on Mumbai attacks with a promise of action against culprits does not stand a reason. Who are you trying to bluff Mr. President ?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Achutanandan's remarks..
11:15 AM by admin · 0 comments
The only question at the back of my mind is: Why should he visit the late Major's residence in Bangalore at all ?
If it wasn't to impress upon the people of his state, he should not have visited at all. After all Major Unnikrishnan has died for the country and not for Kerala and the nearest top ranking politician i.e. the Karnataka CM has already visited to pay respect to the national hero and his family.
Just watched the video of Major's father turning away the Kerala CM and HM. It was disgusting to see someone say naayinglaa (meaning dogs) and pongada (chal nikal re in hindi) to people of such high positions. Its not acceptable in anyway. He didn't have any moral right to abuse a peoples representative in that manner.
Media coverage of the Mumbai siege
9:26 AM by admin · 0 comments
You approach an opposition leader and ask him his views on the attacks in Mumbai. He starts off saying this is a dastardly attack on the soverignity of the nation and all Indians should stay united.
You ask him who is responsible for Mumbai or India being so vulnerable. He replies saying its the central government thats reponsible to the security of the country and also iterates that the Union govt has failed in its primary responsiblity of protecting the citizens.
Cut the scene. He is gone. Now you start transmitting images of the politician blaming the govt for its failure and repeatedly say "the politicisation of the issue has already started".
Now starts the real tamasha. You start blaming the union govt yourselves and repeatedly show the iamges of the former union Home Minister doing the rounds to various terror affected sites over the past few years and broadcast his statements from each occasion.
Hang on a second. Are you not politicising the issue. This is what the other guy did as well. If that could be called politicising then why should what you are doing called politicising.
This is how the general coverage of the entire issue in the media has been over the past few days, albeit with a few decent exceptions. On the whole I would say the media's coverage of the issue is a Disgrace.
Bringing a few dozen people on to a television show and riling them all up against the politicians does not come any closer to promoting unity among the citizens of the country. Grow up guys.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The siege is over, What now ?
6:13 PM by admin · 0 comments
To see it come to an end was the biggest relief ever. But even as I saw the seige come to an end there was this vaccum in my mind. I mean a vaccum. Couldn't really rejoice the victory of our brave soldiers who fought to protect every man/woman they can and eliminate the last of the terrorists. I feel indebted to them. What could I ever do to payback some respect except stand in silence and salute. All of them, irrespective of the colour of their uniform, command my respect. I am proud to have you defend me brothers.
My heart feels for the families of those who have been affected: killed or injured. Life is never going to be the same for them, ever. The only wrong they would have done that ill-fated day was to live it like the day before that and get caught in a mindless pattern of attacks leaving their loved ones bereaved.
They weren't alone in leaving us. Brave constables and officers from different police wings of Mumbai who marched forward to shield innocent civilians to fight the terrorists only to realise that although their intentions were right, the weapons they were carrying were too un-sophisticated to tackle those ill-minded scroundrels, fell down to the bullets from automatic weapons.
In the days to come we would get to know more such stories of bravery, of men who laid down their lives to guard their fellow's. These stories will all die down one day. But there is something that would refuse to go away. A sense of vulnerability that the people of our country feel. And the sense of satisfaction perpetrators of those attacks cherish.
The truth of the day is that we are becoming soft targets more and more. The slew of attacks this year alone is proof enough that they are getting at us at will. I know its not easy to admit it, but thats how truth is. And thats what it is. When I look at that picture of the terrorist with a gun in his hand at the CST I feel agitated.
Understandable because its only just a day and a half since the incident ended. But the thing is I am afraid this feel would go away soon. I do not want it to go away. Not that I would resort to doing something myself but I do not want to put myself in the same bracket as those of our leaders namely: Shivraj Patil who would not leave despite his obvious failures and inability to tackle terror, Manmohan Singh who doesn't have the guts to say 'enough is enough, get lost' to his Home Minister and Sonia Gandhi who is the most powerful of the three but does not care a dime to do something about this headless minister who is responsible for each one of our lives and safety. She probably thinks 200 lives in a country as big as ours is not a big deal.
Whoever the blame falls on, the axe is really falling on our people, attack after attack, incident after incident. I am not expecting radical action but rapid action to put in place better systems and mechanisms to confront such barbaric attacks on us before they infict the kind of damage they intend to. This would not happen in a year or two, but like JFK said 'LET US BEGIN'.
Should we not start doing it we would lose badly, more so in the years to come. A proud civilisation that taught the world would go down in history as a nation that never learns.
This perhaps is the right moment to renew the old and buried cry : Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Jai Bharat.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Kick the bully....
7:03 PM by admin · 0 comments
I believe the BCCI's request is a ridiculous one and actually as an insult to the game itself. Why should the game be played at all if rules are to be changed like this just to please a few people ? It takes the natural sheen out of the game.
The BCCI has for long been trying to be the big boss of cricket which in my opinion is pushing fairness out of the game. What next ? Postponing a match to facilitate a key players fitness test after comeback ? or how about delaying a match because Sharad Pawar wants to make it to a match and unfortunately misses the flight.
Not only should the request be turned down but also the BCCI should be reprimanded for putting forth such a non-sensical request.
Come on ICC. Show us your balls. Kick the BCCI in the a**.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wishing good Wealth
2:43 PM by admin · 0 comments

Did you ever wish you uncle good Wealth. This guy did.
Ironically enough nobody cared to edit the headline which was the lead article for atleast four hours. Click on the screenshot to see it clearly.
MNS leader Raj thackeray drove down to Shiv sena leader Balasaheb Thakeray's residence to wish him good WEALTH.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Chrome, Firefox, Opera ?
7:04 PM by admin · 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Chennai law college fight
12:32 AM by admin · 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
They probably never learn (change)
5:37 PM by admin · 0 comments
Only to be proven wrong.
Today I was witness to 'Chandrayaan' being pronounced 'Chandraayan' (like a Narayan) which actually changes the very meaning of the word.
After a little thought, I kind-of figured out the best way to make the anchors pronounce names right. They should have been told that 'Chandrayaan' was a Polish word which means they would have never taken its pronunciation for granted as they usually do with Indian names and would find out the right way to say it.
I guess it does make sense to have a Indian language specialist in-house like they have voice trainers and voice coaches within their organisations to help people know Indian sounds better.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
ISRO's Bhuvan
2:14 AM by admin · 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friendship at the cost of Judgement
3:37 AM by admin · 0 comments
1. Just chanced upon this video on what really happened in Ossetia.
This has only strengthened the anti-Georgian version of the whole issue. The video was very insightful. Check it for yourself.
2. This is the video of Putin accusing America of staging the Georgian conflict so as to let one of the candidates have a competetive edge over the other in the run-up to the US presidential elections.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Shootout in Mumbai
12:39 PM by admin · 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Congress' psuedo fight
9:09 PM by admin · 0 comments
Prime Minister Dr. Singh today at the NIC meeting made an oppurtunity for himself, yet again, to put the above mentioned two aspects on the same front. The fact that he has chosen the National Integration Council meeting to make such a statement, which ofcourse is not a new one in itself, shows the enthusiasm of the ruling alliance in general and the Congress Party in particular to try and score political brownie points than to address the issue of integration or for that matter, terrorism which was not on the agenda of the NIC.
I wonder if these statements mean any more than trying to suggest to the minorites that it is the Congress that is fighting for them and the BJP whch is tagetting them. But the reality is a contrast from Congress' assertions and statements.
Dr Singh said at the NIC:
My heart is pained when I see what is happening in Orissa and Karnataka. Right thinking individuals would be pained with what is happening.
While it goes without saying that the Orissa and Karnataka governments should have done more and could have worked effectively in tackling the respective issues before they could spread and put us all to shame, it should be noted that it is as deplorable to merely take political stances and make statements against a few states and establishments when in reality all is required is to stand upright and fight the menaces effectively.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
TDP's "Jai Telangana" slogan: gamble or a clever tactic
5:52 AM by admin · 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Burdensome Leadership
3:26 AM by admin · 0 comments

This is a picture of millionare MP of Vijayawada, AP, L Rajagopal visiting flood affected areas. Knowing the way our politicians behave in public, I am not going to take any idealistic stance on this MP's act. But to the least I expect them to be conscious of media cameras around them when they resort to such a deplorable act.
And the worst of all is, one of the guys carrying him is a government appointed security guard for the MP. Scantest regard for fellow citizens, gross misuse of official position, stupidity and what else is he not capable of..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Worst week..
3:29 AM by admin · 0 comments
Two days in a row I wake up to news of blasts in two cities.
Third day was a lot better: they found two live bombs and defused them. Good job
Fourth day: they found 16 more live bombs in Surat. That was some relief. Great job.
Well needless to say the biggest relief came with the Union Home Minister's assurance of the governments best efforts to nail whoever was behind the blasts. If one could recollect, the wordings of his statement is not so different from his other after-the-blast statements: he just rearranges them.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Makeover websites :
4:06 AM by admin · 0 comments has finally received a much needed makeover. But guys if you are wondering where all the clutter from moneycontrol homepage has gone to , check this out: . Aah yeah, thats from Web18 again. I never knew of this website until I checked the latest quarter results of the company wherein it had this big list of them all. has got 'some' makeover, for the good.
If thats the story with the online arm of Network18 group, here is one of their fierce competitor NDTV's list. ( I am not sure when) has also got a facelift. Is the work any better than the earlier version ? Yeah, a bit. And thats because I thought the earlier one was such crap. Is the work any impressive ? Naah. Never with the main news getting stacked up in a sidebar.
And there is this . I am new to it. But I wonder who got the Khabar name first: or (needless to add the former is the better appealing one).
Inflation for Indians !
3:15 AM by admin · 0 comments
Just that I would have paid him 26 Euros for the same bag around September last year. Thats a huge rise in the prices. Thats not all. Earlier I could choose from a variety of rice like Andhra/Tamilnadu/Kerala cultivated. Now its only Basmati and that too Pakistan make.
If you thought that inflation in India would only be a domestic phenomenon think again, its now a global phenomenon for Indians all over.
Hence the term 'Inflation for Indians' not Inflation in India.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Day not far
7:11 AM by admin · 0 comments
Listen world, I am coming. So WAIT.......
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- The best joke from Pakistan
- Get over it !! How can I ?
- Who is Antulay's target ?
- Throw Antulay out of the Cabinet
- Another joke from Pakistan
- Zardari and Pakistan : Playing the clever victim
- Pakistan and its Rogues
- International Media on Mumbai attacks
- The joke called 'Javed Miandad' from Pakistan
- The annoyance called Celebrities
- Is the Police really Dumb ?
- India has proof of ISI invovlement in Mumbai attacks
- Why should we not trust Pakistan ?
- Achutanandan's remarks..
- Media coverage of the Mumbai siege